(2015) Super Heroes 2000 v4.1 MUGEN ULTIMATE EDITION: BATMAN CHARACTERS! Part 1 of 2

I have perfected the “Super Heroes 2000 MUGEN V4.1”-game by adding new characters to every “random” character slot. I have also replaced alot of characters from the original version with better versions of the same characters, or with completely new characters!

This is the Ultimate edition of the “Super Heroes 2000 v4.1” MUGEN game!

In this video i will show you every character from the Batman universe in the game. There are 354 characters from the DC Universe and Marvel in total in the character folder, but due to a limited number of character slots only the best ones made it into the selection screen!

I will upload more videos going forward with the other characters in the game. And of course add a download-link if you want one.

(Marvel / X-Men / DC Comics / Justice League/Avengers/Fantastic Four/Spider-Man and more)

Link to a youtube video of the old version before i replaced and added alot of characters to the game:

Fights (2 VS 2):

Batman (the animated series) & Robin VS Catwoman (Returns) and Poison Ivy (Rasputin model).

Fights (1 VS 1):

Batman (the animated series) VS “The Batman” (new animated series), interrupted.

Batman (the animated series) VS Catwoman (Returns).

Batman (new animated series) VS Batgirl.

Robin VS Batman Beyond (interrupted).

Robin VS Deathstroke.

Poison Ivy (Rasputin model) VS Nightwing.

Azrael VS James Gordon (young).

Commissioner Gordon (old) VS Batman (NES).

The Question VS Batman (Returns/SNES).

Spawn VS Wildcat.

The Joker (the animated series) VS Omatopoeia.

Bane VS Killer Croc.

Scarecrow (the animated series) VS Catman.

Clayface (the animated series) VS Poison Ivy (less unique version).

Batzarro VS Catwoman (60’s).

Harley Quinn (the animated series) VS Blackmask.


Batman (the animated series) VS Jokers Trap Gang bonus stage!

Download-link to most recent version:


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