Batman: Arkham Origins – Half 5 – Commissioner James Gordon

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20 thoughts on “Batman: Arkham Origins – Half 5 – Commissioner James Gordon”

  1. Joker is one of the ultimate villains of all time, if he got Access to the multiverse he’d be chaos incarnate, imagine the damage he’d do if he got Rick Sanchez portal gun.

  2. Personally, I wouldn't just dismiss Anarky as insane if I were you. If you really listen to the things he says, a lot of them actually make sense. He's basically a misguided vigilante; he wants to get rid of corruption but he's going about it the wrong way.

  3. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that you can still counter even while batman is in the middle of his straddle take down thing. All you have to do is press the counter button in time and it'll work

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