BATMAN: GOTHAM NIGHTS #6- One other Boring Victory For The Standing Quo

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41 thoughts on “BATMAN: GOTHAM NIGHTS #6- One other Boring Victory For The Standing Quo”

  1. Does anyone else find it condescending and patronizing the way this comic depicts poor people? Yet they expect real life poor people to take their message seriously? It's been obvious for a number of years that modern mainstream comic books show more communist propaganda than the U.S.S.R.

  2. I really like Joker's plan. I just don't think it should've had a political spin. Him offering up money for people to get attention would be a great way for him to sink Gotham into chaos.

  3. Bruce Wayne "Guys if we all pool our money together we can pay for the medical bills" then proceeds to not pay for the medical bills himself or pay for the prison expansions, knowing he is the one costing the city for the expansion.

  4. One has to admire the sheer brazenness of a corporation (which incidentally caters to those who seek to set up a monopoly of political opinion throughout the entire industry) that lectures others about the evils of capitalism and expects them to pay for the privilege.

  5. The comic book form of politics ,simplified and watered down to two sides. Don't bother working for anything in life just demand it for free from those rich people who came from nothing and worked their socks off to reach their billionaire status.

  6. The tests you speak of reminds me of military college tests like CLEPS, DSST & UXcel tests. I used to take em to get college credits without going to college. I remember the first one I took was a Spanish as a second language test. The lady said “but spanish is your first language” & i said “then give me the english as a second language test” 😡 she gave me the spanish test lol

  7. Wow, great idea, comic. Spend less on law enforcement and more on hospitals. That way we'll have somewhere to put all the victims of the violent crimes we aren't stopping.

  8. a lot of old comics were really heavy handed with their political message (v for vendetta was not exactly discreet for eg) but it was fine because they told a story and focused on being good beyond that. Whereas this is an embarrassing propaganda pamphlet with batman on it

  9. Wait, I’m confused. Did Joker just beat Batman? Someone should have prodded the writers and told them that “this shouldn’t happen”.

    Even if I were writing this to appeal to these lunatics, there’d had better been a lie following Batman’s “Oh God, you’re right!” moment.

    The whole aspect of a villain like Joker is that he’s lying/manipulating to get his way. He might have a point but he’s not RIGHT. Even so, Batman should be able to course correct and then come to the conclusion of fixing the problem without confirming a mad man’s delusions. Even more so if he feels like the status quo.

    (On a side note, if Batman represents part of the status quo, does that mean he’s trying to fix the problem hands-on? Food for thought.)

    This comic is so sloppily written a 5 year old could write better if he knew these characters.

  10. What year is this comic set in? When are going to stop drawing TV screens without the scanlines all over the screen like we live in some analog tube television world.

  11. Its always refreshing to listen to your videos when the CG drama starts up again. I thought i was getting numb to it by now, but this latest fight might give me AIDS. I always thought you were right to quit Twitter. Please convince Ethan to do the same when you can

  12. 5:07 we get "people [Republicans] want to cut health care to build more prisons" and a priest named Fr. O'Doul (because all priests are Irishish?) complaining about it. It's always 2006 in SJW la la land.

  13. Look I'm all for dumping on capitalism and the rich when it's deserved, but just saying "capitalism bad" and "rich man bad" it's a worthless statement lacking any form of nuance. It's a little kids view of the world.
    And he story never acknowledges the Joker's hypocrisiy. I was really hoping that when the Joker told Batman he was the one who caused all those people to do crazy shit to fix their life problems, he would have just slapped the Joker on the face and told him "I could have solved their problems if I didn't have to waste my time cleaning the mess you created" rather than do a honest to God "I am the bad guy?".

  14. Yeah that “Rich people are bad, poor people are good” not sure is silly. It isn’t like rich millionaires try to commit tortious interference against guys who use Coin Star. It does make you wonder where these guys get their ideas.

  15. It’s gotten to the point where as long as you only buy comics from 2010 or earlier then you don’t need to worry about this garbage being in it. Back when comics were comics, stories about superheroes being superheroes and not literal political propaganda shoved down your throat.

  16. 1 are we Supposed to Believe Batman is that Bad Guy for Arresting Criminals?Gotham would be Destroyed 100 times Over if not for Batman
    2 Gotham has a College Fund which apparently Payed off all the Student Loans of Gotham? or it had Free College(the only City in the US that has that apparently)
    3 Yes The US and The Worlds Economy have Many many Flaws but at least most of the Time Criminals ain't"Forced to crime by society" like the Comic implies Ussualy a series of their own Bad Decisions led them there also Implying Rich people are bad and Poor people are good by Default is Stupid

  17. Plotline is basically that episode of Dr. Phil where he invites the Bum Fights guy on and then immediately kicks him off. While yes Bum Fights guy isn't a good person, Phil does the exact same thing. Exploits people that really need help but instead gives them 5 minutes of fame and some money for virtue points. Joker is BF guy and the writer is Dr. Phil.

  18. It always amazes me how often comic book covers are total fake news. How can you put characters on the cover that aren't even in the book? Can you imagine a movie pulling that crap?

  19. This could have been a good commentary about the danger of social media challenges, but no, they justhad to shoot themselves in the foot at the starting line.
    Question 1: WHere did Joker even get all that money to start this up without breaking any laws?
    Question 2: After everything Joker have done, Batman don't need any reason to arrest him, pretty sure he haven't paid for past crimes.
    Question 3: WHat was the point in all this? Like they say, Joker doens't make sense, but there is a twisted logic in it and I can't see Joker do this for no reason.
    Question4: How much is the fish?

  20. They repurposed the 100 page issue that included a Harley and Deathstroke story. It looks weird without the proper logos and designs…

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