The WORST Superhero YouTube Videos. (Spider-Man, Elsa, Toy Monster)

The spider-man, Elsa, joker videos on youtube are by far the worst things you could watch. These channels feature “parodies” and moronic performances with skimpy cosplay and terrible humor.
Remember to leave your rant suggestions in the comments below!

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39 thoughts on “The WORST Superhero YouTube Videos. (Spider-Man, Elsa, Toy Monster)”

  1. My brothers wife is having a baby in a week she’s due, and I’m just hoping they don’t let her watch this Elsagate crap when she’s a little older.

  2. 1:52 WHAT IS IT WITH WOMEN AND CLOTHING BRAND PINK??! I always see young millenials, college women wearing PINK. Apparently, Hollister or Abercrombie aren't cool and hip with the ladies anymore LMAO!

  3. The reason why they get so many views is because the majority of demographics are children. My nephews watch this bullshit everyday and I literally take the video off because I feel like they're becoming socially retarded by the day.

  4. i once seen my lil 7 years old sis watch this shit and i took the ipad from her and opened up something more kids material =-=
    GG man YT system is failing and what suppose to be aimed for kids.

  5. This is the height of comedy on YouTube? Terrible acting and boob jokes coming from Disney princesses? This is the most cringeworthy cowshit I've ever seen

  6. clearly some corporations don't care about their brand…or their shareholders. It's possible they are ignorant and need to to be informed but I doubt it. Has anyone contacted Disney, Coke, etc. and received a formal response regarding these videos, what they think about them what they and are going to do about it, if anything? It would be the dumbest business move on the Corporation's behalf to do nothing or say they are unable to do anything…could turn into a PR nightmare. Surely, the persons making the videos do not care or are afraid of any lawsuits. Please post, trumpet, the corporate responses online

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