BATMAN PS5 MONSTER BANE Ultimate Boss Struggle & Ending 4K ULTRA HD – Batman Arkham Origins

BATMAN PS5 MONSTER BANE Ultimate Boss Struggle & Ending 4K ULTRA HD – Batman Arkham Origins

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32 thoughts on “BATMAN PS5 MONSTER BANE Ultimate Boss Struggle & Ending 4K ULTRA HD – Batman Arkham Origins”

  1. Наверное это мой самая лучшая игра про супер героя
    Здесь и живой Бэтмен который совершает ошибки и учится на них, он и боится проиграть потеряв всё вместе с надеждой.
    Тут и мой любимый Джокер потому что он тут другой в последней части Arkham Knight он среди остальных антагонистов считается главным но при этом бесполезным а Пугало обычным противником которому и лицо не сломаешь.
    По сути, рокстеди надо было взять формулу Монреаль – 70% киношности 30% комиксов. Жаль что эту часть даже не портировали на нинтендо высмеяв ее так….

  2. That's…not how defibrillation works.
    Laugh all you want: a lot of medical lawsuits are filed every year on the basis of, "My loved one flatlined, and they didn't even bother to break out the paddles; they just did CPR!" And they get settled, because it's cheaper than having to retain lawyers and prove it in court over months or years.
    Defibrillation only works on an erratic or failing pulse; it can correct it and restore it to normal levels. Bane (and Alfred, earlier) were in full cardiac arrest. Using defib on either would be like pressing the power button on an unplugged desktop PC. Only CPR works, at that point.

  3. Honestly imo the boss battle is WAY scarier when you take damage from Bane but it's also way cooler cuz you get to see what Bane actually does to you and you realize if he had the same sense as he normally did before the TN-1 injection plus the super strength, literally anytime he grabs you, he could just kill you then

  4. I really love/hate how Jim treated Batman as the monster. Even if he did kill Bane he made it seem like he killed an innocent person, he raveled in his death, he’s killed multiple ppl, and as if he didn’t just casually shoot 2 ppl nor has killed ppl b4.

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