Fallout 4 – Nuka Worlds Ghoul Magician… WAS A SUPERHERO!?

Today we dive deep and try to discover who this mysterious Ghoul Magician is that we saw in the recent Nuka World DLC gameplay trailer. I’m very torn on this and can’t make up my mind… what do you think?

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30 thoughts on “Fallout 4 – Nuka Worlds Ghoul Magician… WAS A SUPERHERO!?”

  1. Wow this video is super stupid. That guy you say is in a grognak costume is not in a grognak costume. Its just special park clothing. There is no grognak costume in fallout 4. The magician is just a park magician that turned ghoul when the bombs fell. Nothing more. No need to make something special alout of nothing. He is not a super hero. There are no super heroes in any of the fallout games. They wouldn't start putting them in now.

  2. It's gonna be like the Mechanist, someone who adores the hero and spends their life (I say their life because the person is clearly a glowing ghoul like Jason Bright from NV and is most likely a prewar ghoul) to become this hero or idol who they adore, but what I would like to know is would you be able to use some cool parlor magic tricks like the smoke bomb this ghoul uses or some funny and wacky ones like making a creature or animal magically appear out of a hat or appear from the smoke in your place like maybe the croc-claw, raiders of nuka world would real shit themselves and would be hilarious to watch xD

  3. you know that thing about the magician from the unstoppables being female and the ghoul magician in the trailer is a male.well it still could be her because female ghouls look like males especially if they're feral.

  4. sorry bud but your wrong and it's not gronak it's grognak. You'd think u would no his name the amount of time you've spent in fallout lol. Plus that's not grognaks armour either, we already have his armour in base game. It would be pretty cool though if it was the magician, I can imagine the boss battle at end with him keep teleporting all around the room and you have to use, I dunno flashbangs to stun him and kill him.

  5. after completing the silver shroud missons I was walking outside and some random guy with the name manta man was there telling me the streets are safe now hes around ……………………not really related to your vid except you didn't know if manta man was in fallout 4

  6. So how about instead of tweeting the Bethesda execs and shit lets tweet the Sony Ps4 execs and so and so on twitter..
    Someone or anyone who could have an idea. If a 1000 people do so we can maybe get an answer… or answer-ish

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